在分析TSP测量原理的基础上,以沪昆客专长昆段湖南境内的分水坳隧道为工程实例,对其展开了岩溶的预测预报,通过现场采集数据,经过数据处理,对图像进行分析,从而成功对分水坳隧道DK422+ 632~DK422+ 732里程段进行了岩溶探测.
On the basis of analysis of TSP measuring principle, the Shanghai-Kunming guest expertise Chang-Kun section which in Hunan prov- ince and the Fenshuiao tunnel was taken as an engineering example. The TSP technology was used to forecasting the advance geological in tunnel. The geological condition of DK422 + 632 -DK422 + 732 in Fenshuiao tunnel was forecasted based on field data acquisition, data processing, and image analysis.
Shanxi Architecture