大光明大戏院是上海近代建筑史上一个重要标志 ,更是建筑师邬达克在上海的代表作之一。本文详细介绍了大光明大戏院的建造背景及精益求精的设计过程 ,指出这是一个经过反复推敲 ,与基地完美结合 ,十分贴合上海人讲求实惠又崇尚新潮的社会心理的优秀建筑 。
The Grand Bright Theatre,one of the masterpieces designed by the Hungarian architect L.E.Hudec,did earn its great reputation in the modern architecture in Shanghai.Afterlong & complex designing process,the building was well organized and in harmony with the immediate environment.Both the modern facade and the luxurious interior gave good expression to the sociel psychology of the time.This outstanding work was a special production of the unique culture of Shanghai.