
电子通过量子点输运的微分电导 被引量:1

Differential conductance of electrons passing through a quantum dot
摘要 采用格林函数方法,计算了电子通过量子点输运的微分电导,计算结果显示电导与偏压关系曲线中出现一个狭窄的电导尖峰和一个展宽的电导峰,与实验观测一致,本文分析了两个电导峰出现的物理原因. The different conductance that electrons pass through a quantum dot is calculated by employing Green's functions. The calculation results reveal that a narrow conductance peak and a broad conductance peak appear in the conductance-voltage curve, which have a good agreement with the observations. We also analyze the causes of two conductance peaks existing.
出处 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期128-132,共5页 Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(11164010)
关键词 量子点 输运 微分电导 Quantum dot Transport Differential conductance
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