
企业集群环境中的知识共享研究 被引量:1

Study of Knowledge Sharing in Cluster
摘要 在企业集群环境中,结合知识的特性并用补偿机制及博弈理论研究分析了同一企业的内部员工之间和企业之间的知识共享。当员工可以通过知识分享获得额外收益时,知识的分享就会加速,而且知识的保密契约在集群环境下是靠不住的。模型的分析结果不仅解释了知识得以在集群中迅速转移的原因,也说明了集群内同质企业大量产生的理由。 Based on the hypothesis of Cournot model, with the consideration of the character of knowledge itself, knowledge sharing in cluster is studied. The result shows that when the knowledge holders can get additional revenue from knowledge sharing, they would like to share their knowledge with others and the company can make an additional income through the motivation of knowledge sharing between staffs in the company. And also, the agreement between staffs of no knowledge sharing with people outside the company is not reliable. The result also gives the answer why there are so many enterprises growing up in cluster.
作者 邹仲海
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期42-46,共5页 Information Science
基金 上海金融学院科研启动基金项目
关键词 企业集群 知识共享 古诺模型 博弈 补偿机制 cluster knowledge sharing cournot model game theory compensation
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