
纳能源技术应用及展望 被引量:1

Application and prospect of nano energy technology
摘要 随着社会的发展,世界能源消耗的增长与资源匮乏之间的矛盾日趋尖锐,因此传统能源利用技术的革新成为备受关注的问题。纳能源技术是采用纳米材料、纳微加工等高新技术手段发展出来的一种全新的能源技术,其有可能完全突破传统的宏观尺度能源系统(如内燃机等)所面临的低能效、高污染、大体积等一系列难以克服的原理性技术困难。上海大学纳微能源研究所作为一个多学科交叉平台,利用其交叉学科的优势,提出纳米尺度热机的概念,将微机电系统(microelectromechanicalsystems,MEMS)技术制备的传统微型热电器件与催化燃烧相结合,在纳米尺度下催化剂将化学能高效地转化为热能,形成局部温度差,再结合热电器件,在提高催化剂活性和稳定性的同时能够将所得热能转化为电能,实现其在微型电源领域的应用。 With the development of the society, the contradiction between the consumption and scarcity of energy resources became more acute, which led to the great attention to the innovation of utilization technology of traditional energy resources. Nano energy technology, a new kind of energy technology combining advanced technologies such as nano-materials and nano-micro machining, has great potential to achieve a breakthrough in the field of energy, since the tradition macro scale energy system (e.g., internal combustion engine ) is facing intrinsic technical problems including low efficiency, high pollution, large size, etc. INME (Institute of NanoMicroEnergy) in Shanghai University, taking the advantage of being a interdisciplinary plateform, proposes to integrate the traditional micro-thermoelectric devices fabricated by MEMS techology along with catalysis combustion that converting chemical energy to electric energy. Thus a nano-salce heat engine is obtained. The expected benefits include improving both the catalytic activity and stability of the combustion catalyst and converting the heat from catalytic reaction into electric.
出处 《自然杂志》 北大核心 2014年第1期42-50,共9页 Chinese Journal of Nature
基金 上海市科委(10520710400 10PJ1403800 11DZ1111200) 云南省科技部(2010AD003) 国家自然科学基金(21103104) 上海大学创新基金资助
关键词 室温催化燃烧 纳米尺度热机 纳米催化 热电材料 MEMS技术 room temperature catalytic combustion nano-scale heat engine nano-catalysis thermoelectric material micro-electromechanical systems technology
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