
新疆昌吉地区哈萨克族冠心病人群指长比分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the Finger Length Ratio in Coronary Heart Disease in Kazakh Population of Xinjiang Changji Region
摘要 目的:通过直接测量的方法,对新疆地区明确诊断为冠心病的哈族人群的指长比进行分析,并探讨哈萨克族指长比与冠心病的相关性。方法:抽取新疆昌吉地区50名通过冠脉造影证实明确诊断为冠心病的哈萨克族人群,同时选择50例排除冠心病的哈萨克族健康人群,采用人体测量学方法测量左右双手第2~5指长度,并对指长比进行分析。结果:新疆昌吉地区哈萨克族人群指长比均呈现2D:3D〈2D:4D〈:3D:4D〈2D:5D〈:4D:5D〈:3D:5D的趋势,冠心病组左手2D:4D及3D:4D明显高于对照组。结论:左手2D:4D和3D:4D可能是新疆哈萨克族冠心病早期筛查的重要指标之一。 Objective: To analyze the finger length ratio in Xinjiang Kazak ethnic populations who have been diagnosed of coronary heart disease by direct measurement method, and to explore the relationship between the Kazakh finger length ratio and coronary heart disease. Methods: Extract fifty Kazakh people who were confirmed the diagnosis of coronary heart disease through coronary angiography in Changji region of Xinjiang, while select fifty Kazakh people without coronary heart disease for normal group. We use the anthropometry method to measure refers to the length of about 2-5 hands,and analyze the finger length ratio. Results:We found that finger length rendered 2D : 3D 〈2D : 4D 〈 3D : 4D 〈2D : 5D 〈4D : 5D 〈3D : 5D trends in the Kazakh population in Xinjiang,and we found the left hand 2D : 4D and 3D : 4D of the Coronary heart disease group were significantly higher than the normal group. Conclusion: Lefthand 2D : 4D and 3D : 4D may be an important indicator of early screening for coronary heart disease in the Kazakh population in Xinjiang.
出处 《医学理论与实践》 2014年第3期283-284,共2页 The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice
关键词 新疆哈萨克族人群 冠心病 指长比 Kazakh population, Coronary heart disease, Finger length ratio
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