

Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Shandong Province Economic Growth
摘要 外商直接投资是否促进了山东省的经济增长是一个值得关注的问题。通过构建一个生产函数,对1993年以来外商直接投资对于山东省经济增长的效应进行了计量分析,结果显示:外资资本的边际产出弹性小于内资资本的边际产出弹性;外资部门劳动投入要素的边际产出弹性小于内资部门劳动投入要素的边际产出弹性;全省内外资资本的边际产出弹性均低于内外资劳动投入要素的边际产出弹性,人力资本对山东省经济增长的影响超过货币资本;外商直接投资对山东省经济发展的影响弱于内资,并对内资产生了微弱的挤出效应。 Whether the foreign direct investment promoted the economic growth of Shandong province is a concern. By building a production function, the author made quantitative analysis on the foreign direct investment to the effect of economic growth in Shandong province since the year 1993, the results showed: The marginal output elasticity of foreign capital was less than the marginal output elasticity of domestic capital; The marginal output elasticity of the input factors from foreign department labor was less than from the domestic department labor; The marginal output elasticity of foreign and domestic capital in the whole province was lower than the marginal output elasticity of domestic and foreign labor input elements; The influence of human capital in the province's economic growth was beyond the monetary capital; The foreign direct investment impact on economic development in Shandong province was weaker than domestic investment and has weak crowding-out effect on domestic capital.
作者 辛德军
出处 《齐鲁师范学院学报》 2014年第1期68-74,共7页 Journal of Qilu Normal University
基金 山东青年政治学院2011-2012年度重点研究项目"后金融危机时期山东省利用FDI问题研究"(山青院字[2011]50号-1-2)阶段性成果
关键词 山东省 外商直接投资 经济增长 Shandong province Foreign direct investment Economic growth
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