
直接诉权立法的法国经验与启示 被引量:1

French Experience on the Legislation of Direct Actions and its Significance
摘要 直接诉权是颇具法国法特色的概念,它在理论上有多种类型,具有开放性。法国合同法改革中,一个重要而具有争议的问题是,能否统一整合直接诉权规则。《司法部草案》没有触及这个问题,《泰雷草案》非常谨慎地仅规定了最为重要的、立法者承认的"支付直接诉权",《卡特拉草案》试图对多种直接诉权设立一般规范。直接诉权,作为突破合同相对性的制度,有保护债权人的重要功能,因此法国的立法经验对比较法学而言具有重要的研究价值。 Direct action is a concept in French law. It has, in theory, a variety of types, and an open system. During the French contract law reform, an important and controversial issue is whether the direct actions rules could be integrated and unified. "Project of Ministry of Justice" does not touch the question;"Terre Project"specifies very carefully the most important type "Payment direct action" ,which has been acknowledged by legislators; "Catala Project" tries to establish the general rules on various kinds of direct actions. As a breakthrough to the relativity of contract, direct action system has an important function of protecting creditors. So the French legislative experience in terms of comparative law has important research value.
作者 李世刚
机构地区 复旦大学法学院
出处 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第1期126-131,共6页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目"法国侵权责任法改革:传统特色与欧洲私法一体化的冲突与协调"(11YJC820060) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目 复旦大学"985工程"三期"维护社会公平正义的司法制度建设研究"项目(2011SHKXZD015)
关键词 直接诉权 支付直接诉权 合同责任直接诉权 法国合同法 direct action payment direct action contractual liability direct action French contract law
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