
防空掩体头部内粘钢板加固技术可行性分析 被引量:3

A Practicability Analysis for Reinforce Technique of Air-Defence Shelter Front by Inside Sticking Steel-Plates
摘要 基于原有的防护工程中,大多数工程结构的抗爆炸能力较低,为了适应现代常规战争的需要,务必对这些工程结构进行加固改造,以增强结构抗爆炸的能力,文中对钢筋混凝土结构内粘钢板的模型进行了三次爆炸模拟试验,并对钢筋混凝土—钢板组合结构的试验现象进行了理论分析,用应力波理论说明了由于钢板加固后,钢筋混凝土内很难产生大的拉应力,故钢筋混凝土内表面不再出现拉裂破坏,增强了结构的抗爆炸能力。进而推断防空掩体头部内粘钢板加固以极大增强抗航、炮弹能力的可行性,试验结果与理论分析表明,作者认为该加固技术是可行的,试验结果对国内原有防护工程的加固改造有一定的指导价值。 Since the ability of many old protective structures against explosion is lower to meet with present conventional war, they must be reinforced. In the paper, three explosion imitating tests for composite structure models of RC-steel plate are elabolated. The test appearances are analysized theoretically by stress wave theory. The results show that the large tensional stresses in the RC structure are produced difficultly and structural ability against explosion is improved by means of the steel plate reinforcing. Test resultes and theoretical analysis prove that the reinforce technique is practical and the air-defence shelter front sticks steel-plates is greatly increase the abilities to against aerobomb or cannon-ball. The test results have important guiding values to improve the old protective engineerings in our country.
出处 《力学季刊》 CSCD 2000年第3期350-353,共4页 Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics
关键词 防护工程 模拟试验 防空掩体 炮弹 可行性 内粘钢板 加固 protective structures imitating test air-defence shelter aero-bomb, cannon-ball practicability
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