
无创正压通气治疗急性左心衰竭合并低氧血症患者的效果观察 被引量:12

Efficacy of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation on the treatment of patients with acute left heart failure and hyoxemia
摘要 目的 观察无创正压通气治疗急性左心衰竭合并低氧血症患者的疗效.方法 将62例急性左心衰竭合并低氧血症患者随机分为治疗组31例和对照组31例,两组均给予常规内科治疗,治疗组应用无创正压通气治疗,分别监测两组患者治疗前、后的血气分析指标、B型脑钠肽(BNP)、临床表现等变化.结果 治疗组临床症状缓解时间[(33.7 ±7.9) min]明显短于对照组[(55.9±12.1) min],两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=8.554,P <0.01).治疗组治疗前心率、呼吸频率、平均动脉压(MAP)、pH值、血氧饱和度(SaO2)、动脉血氧分压(PaO2)、动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)、B型脑钠肽(BNP)分别为(133.89 ±5.45)次/min、(34.25±5.67)次/min、(104.52 ±7.25) mmHg、7.29 ±0.06、(81.52 ±5.01)%、(55.30 ±7.14) mmHg、(46.23±10.30) mmHg和(831.59 ±292.65) ng/L,治疗3h后上述8项指标均有明显改善,心率、呼吸频率、MAP、pH值、SaO2、PaO2、PaCO2和BNP分别为(87.27 ±5.74)次/min(t=32.794,P <0.01)、(20.15 ±2.54)次/min(t=12.636,P<0.01)、(76.57±3.76) mmHg(t=19.055,P<0.01) 、7.40 ±0.06(t =7.218,P <0.01)、(97.16±1.27)%(t=16.848,P <0.01)、(92.80 ±6.24)mmHg(t=22.019,P<0.01)、(40.56±5.19) mmHg(t=2.737,JP<0.05)和(265.52±65.39) ng/L(t=10.511,P<0.01).对照组治疗前心率、呼吸频率、MAP、PH值、SaO2、PaO2、PaCO2和BNP分别为(132.13 ±5.31)次/min、(34.96±4.78)次/min、(102.56 ±7.14) mmHg、7.30 ±0.06、(82.15 ±5.24)%、(54.56±6.27) mmHg、(44.30±9.27) mmHg和(823.15±277.26) ng/L,治疗后心率[(92.15 ±4.28)次/min,t=32.638 、P<0.01]、呼吸频率[(23.91 ±3.27)次/min,t=10.634、P<0.01]、MAP[(82.83±3.52) mmHg,t =13.800 、P<0.01]、SaO2[(93.16±2.59)%,t=10.488、P<0.01)]、PaO2[(75.19±3.52) mmHg,t=15.974、P <0.01]和BNP[(371.15±87.55) ng/L,t=8.656 、P<0.01]比较差异均有统计学意义;pH值、PaCO2较前无明显改变,分别为7.32 ±0.05(t=1.426,P =0.159) 、(43.78 ±6.74)mmHg(t =0.253,P=0.801).治疗组治疗后心率、呼吸频率、MAP、pH值、SaO2、PaO2、PaCO2和BNP较对照组改善更明显,差异均有统计学差异(t值分别为3.795、5.056、6.767、5.703、7.721、13.686、2.107、5.382,P <0.01或P<0.05).结论 应用无创正压通气能迅速改善急性左心衰竭并低氧血症患者心功能,纠正低氧血症,降低血浆BNP水平. Objective To investigate the effect of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation treatment on patients with acute left heart failure and hyoxemia.Methods Sixty-two patients with acute left heart failure and hyoxemia were divided into control group (31 cases) and treatment group (31 cases).All patients were treated with a conventional therapy plan and patients in treatment were received noninvasive positive pressure ventilation beside conventional therapy.Blood gas analysis,plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and clinical manifestation before and after treatment were monitored.Results The time of clinical manifestation al0leviation in treatment group was (33.7 ±7.9) min,shorter than that of control group ((55.9 ± 12.1) min,t =8.554,P <0.01).Compared with pre-treatment,heart rate (HR),respiratory rate(RR),mean arterial pressure(MAP),pH,oxygen saturation of blood (SaO2),arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2),arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide(PaCO2) and BNP in treatment group were improved significantly(HR:(133.89 ± 5.45) beat/ min vs.(87.27 ± 5.74) beat/min,t =32.794,P < 0.01 ; RR:(34.25 ± 5.67) beat/min vs.(20.15 ± 2.54) beat/min,t =12.636,P < 0.01 ; MAP:(104.52 ± 7.25) mmHg vs.(76.57 ± 3.76) mmHg,t =19.055,P <0.01; pH:(7.29±0.06) vs.(7.40 ±0.06),t=7.218,P<0.01;SaO2:(81.52 ±5.01)% vs.(97.16±1.27) %,t =16.848,P < 0.01 ; PaO2:(55.30 ± 7.14) mmHg vs.(92.80 ± 6.24) mmHg,t =22.019,P <0.01;PaCO2:(46.23 ±10.30) mmHg vs.(40.56 ±5.19) mmHg,t =2.737,P<0.05;BNP:(831.59 ±292.65) ng/L vs.(265.52 ±65.39) ng/L,t =10.511,P <0.01).And after treatment,HR,RR,MAP,SaO2,PaO2,BNP in control group were improved compared with that before treatment (HR:(132.13 ± 5.31) beat/min vs.(92.15 ± 4.28) beat/min,t =32.638,P < 0.01 ;RR:(34.96 ± 4.78) beat/min vs.(23.91 ± 3.27) beat/min,t=l0.634,P<0.01;MAP:(102.56 ±7.14) mmHg vs.(82.83±3.52) mmHg,t =13.800,P<0.01;SaO2:(82.15 ± 5.24) % vs.(93.16 ± 2.59) %,t =10.488,P < 0.01 ; PaO2:(54.56 ± 6.27) mmHg vs.(75.19 ±3.52) mmHg,t =15.974,P <0.01 ;BNP:(823.15 ±277.26) ng/L vs.(371.15 ±87.55) ng/L,t =8.656,P <0.01).Statistical differences of pH and PaCO2 were not found in the control group before and after treatment(pH:7.32 ± 0.05,t =1.426,P =0.159 ;PaCO2:(43.78 ± 6.74) mmHg,t =0.253,P =0.801).HR,RR,MAP,pH,SaO2,PaO2,PaCO2 and BNP in treatment group were more significantly improved than that of control group(t =3.795,5.056,6.767,5.703,7.721,13.686,2.107 respectively,P < 0.01or P < 0.05).Conclusion The therapy plan of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation on patients with acute left heart failure and hyoxemia can improve cardiac function and oxygenation quickly,and decrease the plasma BNP level.
出处 《中国综合临床》 2014年第2期135-137,共3页 Clinical Medicine of China
关键词 无创正压通气 急性左心衰竭 B型脑钠肽 Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation Acute left heart failure B-type natriuretic peptide
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