
基于氧化石墨烯的锁模激光实验 被引量:3

Experiment of mode-locked laser using graphene oxide
摘要 设计了低成本全固态锁模超快激光实验系统,使用透射式氧化石墨烯饱和吸收体作为被动锁模元件,直接插入到腔内,可依次观察到激光的不同运转状态.实验采用结构紧凑的谐振腔设计,获得了二极管端面泵浦Nd∶YVO4晶体的1 064nm连续波被动锁模激光输出,重复频率为81MHz,最大平均输出功率为1.23W,相应的锁模单脉冲能量为15.2nJ. A low cost all solid-state mode-locked ultrashort laser operation based on a graphene oxide saturable absorber was designed .By using graphene oxide saturable absorber (SA ) as mode-locked component ,passively mode-locked 1 064 nm continuous wave laser output of end-diode-pump Nd∶YVO4 crystal was obtained with compact resonator .The maximum average output power of 1 .23 W with a repetition rate of 81 M Hz was obtained ,corresponding to mode-locking single pulse energy of 15 .2 nJ .
出处 《物理实验》 2014年第1期1-4,共4页 Physics Experimentation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.61078032)
关键词 二极管泵浦 被动锁模 氧化石墨烯可饱和吸收体 Nd∶YVO4 晶体 diode pump passively mode-locked graphene oxide saturable absorber Nd∶YVO4 crystal
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