
禾本科植物体细胞胚发生与器官发生的激素调控研究进展 被引量:4

Advances of Researches in Hormonal Regulation of Gramineae Somatic Embryogenesis and Organogenesis
摘要 综述了禾本科植物组织培养中外源激素对体细胞胚发生和器官发生2种再生途径的调控研究进展,重点讨论了在同一外植体中通过激素配比对2种再生途径的调控。并对这种调控在体细胞无性变异育种、遗传转化和快繁与脱毒中的应用与存在的问题进行了分析。 In this article,the exogenous hormonal regulation of Gramineae somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis was discussed. And the regulation of hormone combinations on the somatic em- bryogenesis or organogenesis in same explants was especially discussed. And the applications and limitations of somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in somaclonal variants breeding, genetic transformation,micropropagation and detoxifieation were also discussed.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期6-10,共5页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
基金 四川省科技创新苗子工程项目(2013RZ0017)
关键词 禾本科植物 体细胞胚发生 器官发生 激素调控 Gramineae somatic embryogenesis organogenesis hormonal regulation
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