This paper only reports the preliminary determination of the Carnivora fossils from the Neogene Localities of Yuanmou County, Yunnan. A detailed study of these specimen will be published in future article. Most of the specimen were collected from the Ramapithecus Locality of Xiaohe, Yuanmou county. There are 19 species belonging to 15 genera of 6 families. In comparison with the Remapithecus fauna of Lufeng and Yushe (I) fauna of North China, the Ramapithecus fauna of Yuanmou has its own distinguishing features and 9 or 10 genera are common (as shown in Table 2) respectively. But only five genera are similar to Dhok-Panthan of Middle Siwalik and six are in Pinjor of Upper Siwalik. The Ictitherium are quite rare and larger in size, but the Lufeng locality is abundant in Ictitherium and it's minor in size. Judging from the comparisons of the features of same forms (i.e. Ictitherium and Viverra etc.), the Carnivora of Yuanmou can made some progress. According to the composition and the features of the Carnivora, it is possible that the geological age of Yuanmou Fauna is later than Lufeng Fauna. The larger cats and bears are forestdwelling usually. Trochotherium and some mustelids reflect restricted palaeoecological environments general associated with aquatic conditions. The Viverra etc. are typical beasts inhabiting tropic or subtropic forests.
Vertebrata Palasiatica
Pliocene Carnivora
Ramapithecus Locality of Yuanmou