

The Theoretic Perspective and Research Theme of Overseas Citizen News
摘要 研究目的旨在描画西方公民新闻相关的研究现状。文章首先回溯了公民新闻概念的发展,公民新闻概念的理论内涵和实践表现,在此基础上,通过文献研究,总结了西方学者在公民新闻研究中常用的几个理论视角,并梳理了公民新闻研究较为集中的五个研究方向及其主要观点。 This paper has described the status quo of the foreign citizen journalism. By retrospecting the history of the definition of citizen journalism,the implication and practice,the panorama of this field is demonstrated. There are three framework which are usually applied to discuss this topic. Five principal research orientations and viewpoints are summarized as well.
作者 张凌
出处 《浙江传媒学院学报》 2014年第1期26-30,125,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang University of Media & Communications
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