
1995—2012年汉中市职业病发病情况分析 被引量:5

Analysis of morbidity situation of occupational disease in Hanzhong city from 1995 to 2012
摘要 目的分析1995—2012年汉中市职业病发病情况,为有效预防职业病和制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法应用描述方法对1995—2012年汉中市职业病档案资料进行分析,重点对尘肺病进行分析。结果 1995—2012年汉中市累计在档职业病447例,其中尘肺病412例,职业性慢性中毒22例,职业性皮肤病9例,职业性噪声聋3例,职业性肿瘤1例;尘肺病中煤工尘肺190例,矽肺162例,石棉尘肺46例,水泥尘肺10例、电焊工尘肺4例;分布在煤矿行业153例,石棉行业46例,建材行业37例,非煤矿山39例,钢铁行业28例,机械行业28例,石英砂314例,化工3例,其他64例。其中农民工215例,国有用人单位165例,集体用工单位32例。结论汉中市职业病主要为尘肺病,尘肺病病种主要为煤工尘肺,其次为矽肺,主要分布在煤矿行业,以农民工为主。尘肺病应做为职业病预防的重点,煤矿行业为预防职业病的重点单位,农民工为重点预防人群。卫生部门、安监部门及用人单位应加大健康教育力度,加强防护措施,有针对性地对接触有毒有害作业工人进行防护及健康指导。 [ Objective] To analyze the morbidity situation of occupational disease in Hanzhong city from 1995 to 2012, provide sci- entific basis for preventing the occupational disease effectively and making intervention measures. [ Methods ] Descriptive methods was adopted to analyze the information of occupational disease in Hanzhong city from 1995 to 2012 and focused on the analysis of pneumoconiosis. [ Results] There were 447 occupational diseases in Hanzhong city from 1995 to 2012, including 412 cases of pneu- moconiosis, 22 cases of occupational chronic poisoning, 9 cases of occupational skin disease, 3 cases of occupational noise deafness and 1 case of occupational tumor. 412 cases of pneumoconiosis including 190 cases of coal workerg pneumoconiosis, 162 cases of silicosis, 46 cases of asbestosis, 10 cases of cement pneumoconiosis and 4 cases of welders pneumoconiosis. The distribution was 153 cases in coal industry, 46 cases in asbestos industry, 37 cases in building materials industry, 39 cases in non coal mines,28 cases in iron and steel industry, 28 cases in mechanical industry, 14 cases in silica sand industry,3 cases in chemical industry and 64 cases in other industry. 215 cases were migrant workers, 165 cases were in state-owned enterprises and 32 cases were in collec- tive labor units. [ Conclusion] The main occupational disease in Hanzhong city is pneumoconiosis, and the major pneumoconiosis is coal workerg pneumoconiosis, followed by silicosis. Pneumoconiosis mainly distributes in coal industry and most are migrant work- ers. The emphatic prevention of occupational disease should be pneumoconiosis, the coal industry is key unit for occupation disease prevention and the migrant workers is the key prevention population. The health department, safety supervision department and the employer should strengthen the health education and protection measures, give prevention and health guidance to workers exposed toxic and harmful work.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2014年第4期454-455,共2页 Occupation and Health
关键词 职业病 发病情况 预防控制 Occupational disease Morbidity situation Prevention and control
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