
以胸闷、气促为主要表现的糖尿病乳酸酸中毒一例 被引量:4

Diabetes lactic acidosis with manifestation of chest tightness and shortness of breath: a case report
摘要 糖尿病乳酸酸中毒是糖尿病的急性并发症之一,病死率高,在病程的发展阶段因表现各异而易被误诊,该文报道1例以胸闷、气促为主要表现的糖尿病乳酸酸中毒患者,该例曾一度被疑诊为急性左心力衰竭,在及时明确诊断后立即予大量补液、补碱纠酸、抗感染、控制血糖、控制血压等治疗,其病情好转出院,随访情况稳定。 Diabetic lactic acidosis is one of the acute complications of diabetes,with high mortality rate. This disease is easily misdiagnosed because of its diverse symptoms. We reported one case of diabetes lactic acidosis with the main manifestation of chest tightness and shortness of breath,who was once misdiag-nosed as acute left heart failure. When the correct diagnosis was confirmed,quantitative equilibrium rehydra-tion,alkali addition,acidosis correction,antibiotic and blood pressure control were applied and the patient's symptoms was improved.
出处 《新医学》 2014年第1期67-68,共2页 Journal of New Medicine
关键词 乳酸酸中毒 糖尿病 急性左心力衰竭 Lactic acidosis Diabetes Acute left heart failure
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