
^(131)I治疗儿童和青少年分化型甲状腺癌肺转移疗效的系统评价 被引量:4

Effect of ^(131)I Treatment on Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma with Pulmonary Metastases in Children and Adolescents
摘要 目的对131I治疗儿童和青少年分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)肺转移的疗效进行系统评价。方法计算机检索1990年1月至2013年8月国内外公开发表的有关131I治疗儿童和青少年DTC肺转移的中英文文献,从中提取患者疗效及预后的相关资料。结果共纳入10篇符合标准的回顾性研究报道,合计患者117例。按照131I治疗儿童和青少年DTC肺转移的疗效评价标准,完全缓解、好转或稳定、无效或进展的患者分别为47.0%、37.6%、15.4%;患者随访期内生存率为97.4%。1例患者出现了继发性肿瘤。结论131I治疗儿童和青少年DTC肺转移是一种安全有效的治疗方法。 Objective To assess the effect of J31I treatment on differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) with pulmonary metastases in children and adolescents. Methods The literature retrieval was performed by searching public published in both Chinese and international journal to identify the researches on 131I treatment of DTC with pulmonary metastases in children and adolescents from January 1990 to August 2013. Results Ten retrospective studies with total 117 patients were included in the study. The effect rate of 131I treatment resulted in complete remission, improved or stable disease, no response or progression was 47.0% , 37.6% and 15.4% respectively. The total survival rate was 97. 4%. The secondary malignancy was found in one patient. Conclusion 13iI treatment is an effective and safe method for DTC with pulmonary metastases in children and adolescents.
出处 《标记免疫分析与临床》 CAS 2014年第1期15-18,共4页 Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine
关键词 分化型甲状腺癌 儿童 青少年 肺转移 放射治疗 Differentiated thyroid carcinoma Child Adolescent Pulmonary metastases Radioiodine treatment
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