
论我国经济开发区社会管理的发展方向——基于社会结构的视角 被引量:1

On the Development Orientation in Our Country's Social Administration of Economic Development Zones ——From Social Structure Perspective
摘要 社会结构是经济开发区社会管理的现实基础。认识和把握经济开发区社会结构深刻变动的特点和规律,是推动社会管理创新,促进经济社会协调发展的必然要求。经济开发区的社会结构既具有普遍性,又具有特殊性。通过科学分析经济开发区的人口结构、社会组织结构、劳动关系结构和社会地位结构,可以发现:经济开发区的社会管理应该重点着力于社会组织建设、社区治理、流动人口管理和劳资矛盾处理等问题,具体来讲包括四个方面:一是经济开发区社会管理的根本出路在于社会组织建设;二是经济开发区社会管理的依托力量来源于社区治理;三是经济开发区社会管理的突破口在于流动人口管理;四是经济开发区社会管理的唯一选择是"政企协作+三社联动"的协同治理体制。 Social structure is the realistic foundation of social administration of economic development zones .It is the inevitable requirement to understand and grasp the characteristics and laws of profound social structure changes in economic development zones, so to push forward social administration innovation , as well as to promote the coordinated development of an economic soci-ety.Universality and particularity co -exist in the social structure of economic development zones .A scientific analysis , covering the population structure , social organization structure , labor force relationship structure and social status structure in economic de-velopment zones , reveals that social administration of economic development zones should focus on such issues as social organiza -tion construction , community governance , migrating population administration and labor -management dispute arbitration .More specifically , it should aim at the following four aspects .First of all , social organization construction serves as the fundamental so-lution to the social administration of economic development zones .Secondly , community governance is the driving force for the so-cial administration of economic development zones .Thirdly, migrating population management is the breakthrough point in the so-cial administration of economic development zones .Fourthly, a collaborative governance mechanism combining government -en-terprise cooperation and three -community joint efforts is the only choice for the social administration of economic development zones.
作者 金太军
出处 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第2期1-7,39,共8页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
基金 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD) 江苏省社科基金一般项目"加快推进社会体制改革研究"(13WTB011) 国家社会科学基金重点项目"新型城镇化进程中地方政府社会管理创新研究"(13AZD018)阶段性研究成果
关键词 经济开发区 社会管理 社会结构 发展方向 economic development zone social administration social structure development orientation
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