对水稻(Oryza sativa)直播田常用除草剂吡嘧磺隆不同施用浓度对水稻苗期生长的影响进行了初步研究.结果表明,在水稻播后5d施药,使用推荐剂量(0.02 g/L)会显著抑制水稻株高,但对根长的抑制作用不显著;2×推荐剂量(0.04 g/L)和4×推荐剂量(0.08 g/L)对株高和根长均有显著的抑制作用.播后7d施药,推荐剂量对水稻生长无显著影响,但2×推荐剂量和4×推荐剂量对株高及根长的生长有显著抑制作用.播后10d推荐剂量、2×推荐剂量、4×推荐剂量对株高及根长均无显著影响.播后7~10d施药对水稻较安全,且可以适当提高吡嘧磺隆的浓度,既可提高除草效果,又不造成药害.
The effects of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl on the growth of rice seedlings were studied.The results showed that the recommended dose (0.02g/L) spraying on the seedlings of the 5th day after seeding could inhibit significantly the plant height,but could not inhabit the growth of root significantly.2×recommended dose (0.04g/L) and 4×recommended dose (0.08g/L)could inhibit the growth of seedlings significantly,plant height and root length.The seedling growth could not be inhibited when the recommended dose was sprayed in the 7th day after seeding,but 2×recommended dose and 4×recommended dose could inhibit the growth of rice seedlings in plant height and root length.All treatments of spraying in the 10th day after seeding could not affect the growth significantly.Properly increasing pyrazosulfuron-ethyl dose between the 7th to 10th day after seeding could be used to increase the effects of herbicide but not to hurt rice seedlings.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences