The "Book of Filial Piety" learning in the Qing Dynasty plays an important part throughout its learning history. In the early Qing Dynasty, researchers inherit previous studies, or propose new research ideas, or were taken by the rulers as Vision indoctrination tools, etc., are rarely commendable. Till Qianjia period, Chinese Studies thrived, schol- ars at the most proficient in testing laws and institutions, a variety of classic gradually have a new "commentaries", only " book of filial piety" for its text is lucid, concise and comprehensive, nobody made commentaries. In the late Qing Dynasty after Daoxian, the society was beset with troubles internally and externally, people's livelihood was more difficuh. Chinese researchers and Ancient Texts scholars were more interesting in solving practical problems. Thus, this period presents a diversified academic but interwoven situation. In this academic context, the "Book of Filial Piety" learning made ??a lot of achievements, mainly as follows: meaning textual studies of "Book of Filial Piety" under Qianjia Sinology Perspective; in- terpretation research under the Context of Han Song reconcile; elaborate" subtle "and practice research under the influ- ence of Ancient Texts.
Local Culture Research
Late Qing Dynasty
the "Book of Filial Piety" Learning
Textual research
Righteousness of science
An- cient Texts