By the using of soil pot and liquid culture the resistance to N stress in different sugarbeet genotypes was studied and the results showed that 1 sugarbeet has a versatile reactions to N stress the difference of resistance to N stress ranged from 2~6 times 2 N applying form had a great effect on sugarbeet resistance to N stress for the 6 varieties lines which were used in this study that had a higher resistance to NH4-N stressalso showed a higher resistance to NO3-N+NH4-N mixed nutrient 3 N applying form regulated N uptake character in sugarbeetbut the reactions of different genotypes showed alarge difference to NO3-NNH4-N and NO3-N+ NH4-N stress 4 The index of sugarbeet resistance to N stress had a significant positive correlation with leaf areachlorophyll and total N content.
Sugar Crops of China