贵州省是一个典型的农业山区省份 ,荒山坡地资源极为丰富。种植经济林果木是利用荒地资源 ,提高农民收入的有效途径。传统的果树发展一般是政府技术部门根据项目计划引进果苗发放给农民种植。农民在项目中处于被动接受的地位 ,没有主动性因而失去积极性。该研究针对传统的果树发展项目存在的问题 ,采用参与式方法 ,即农民自始至终参与到项目的决策、计划、实施到收益分配的全过程中 ,在两个试验村发展果树。有了主动性 ,农民的思想从为“政府种树”转变成“为自己种树”,重视果树管理 ,效益明显。
Guizhou is a typical mountainous province, with abundant wasteland. Planting fruit trees is considered as a good way to make use of this land and increase farmers income. Conventional government approach for fruit development project is normally that its technical organizations introduce fruit seedlings to villages to ask farmers to plant. The real demands of the involved farmers are rarely taken into account in the project, so they have no incentive to plant trees and manage it well. To avoid this problem, this study employs participatory approach to involve the farmers of the two experimental villages in the whole process of fruit development project from decision making, planing, and implementation to benefit distribution. The farmers have the right to make decisions in the project, so their idea of “planting trees is for the government” become “planting trees is for ourselves”. This change promotes farmers' incentive to manage fruit trees, so as to gain obvious profit.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
加拿大国际发展研究中心 (IDRC)资助