
心房颤动发病机制研究进展 被引量:6

Progression of pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation
摘要 心房颤动是最常见的阵发性或持续性心律失常,且随年龄增大其发病率逐渐增加。房颤可诱发栓塞风险,在高原地区更为严重,干扰心室泵血功能,加重心肌损伤。本文就心房解剖、心房肌细胞电生理、心律失常发生机制及心房颤动发生机制等研究进展做一述评。 The atrial fibrillation is the most frequent fibrillation. It's incidence increases with the age. The atrial fibrillation can induce embolism, interfere blood-pumping function of ventricles and aggravate myocardial damage. The present article describes the anatomy of atrium, the electrophysiology of atrial muscle cell and the mechanisms of arrhyth- mogenesis and atrial fibrillation.
作者 柳茵 丁绍祥
出处 《西部医学》 2014年第3期269-271,共3页 Medical Journal of West China
基金 国家自然科学基金(8160012)
关键词 心律失常 房颤 离子流 电重构 Arrhythmogenesis Atrial fibrillation Lonic flow Electronic reconfiguration
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