

QTL Detection for Weight Traits on Liangshan Semi-wool Sheep's Chromosome 3
摘要 以四川凉山半细毛羊为资源参考群体,选择位于绵羊3号染色体上的9个微卫星标记,用Win QTL cart软件对凉山半细毛羊的5个体重性状进行QTL检测。结果显示:①在191家系中,检测到影响羔羊断奶重的QTL,位于110.01 cM,加性效应为6.860,解释表型变异为29.3%;②在190家系中,检测到影响断奶日增重的QTL,位于227.41 cM,加性效应为0.013,解释表型变异为1.7%;③未检测到影响羔羊初生重、育成体重和成年体重性状的QTL。 Using the Windows QTL Cartocartographer v2.5 software,the QTL detection for five weight traits based on the reference family of Liangshan semi-fine wool sheep with nine microsatellite markers of the chromosome 3 was conducted.The results showed that (i)The QTL affecting weaning weight trait was detected at 110.01 cM,being 6.860 for additive effect and explaining 29.3 % of the phenotypcc variance in 191 reference family; (ii) The QTL affecting weaning daily gain trait was detected at 227.41 cM,being 0.013 for additive effect and explaining 1.7 % of the phenotypcc variance in 190 reference family; (iii)There was no QTL affecting birth weight trait,1.5-year weight trait and 2.5-year weight trait.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期408-412,共5页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 德国联邦科技与教育部(BMBF)(CHN 00316) 四川省科技厅项目(2012JY0126)
关键词 凉山半细毛羊 体重性状 遗传连锁图谱 微卫星标记 Liangshan semi-wool sheep Weight traits Genetic linkage map Microsatellite marker
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