《内经》的临床医学内容极其丰富 ,是中医临床医学的渊源。《内经》临床医学理论的研究方法 ,可概括为 3个方面 :1.临床研究 ,为主要途径和方法 ,通过临床实践验证理论 ,进而充实发展其诊疗原则和方法 ;2 .实验研究 ,包括临床实验方法和动物实验方法 ,以揭示《内经》病证实质和治疗机理 ;3.现代科学方法 ,包括哲学、社会科学、自然科学、横断科学以及高新技术等 ,为《内经》临床医学研究提供思维方法和手段。深入研究《内经》临床医学理论 ,对推动中医学的发展 ,将会发挥巨大作用。
The content about clinical medicine in the Cannon of Internal Medicine(《内经》) is very abundant and the Cannon of Internal Medicine is the source of Traditional Chinese Medicine.The method of research can be concluded as follows:1.The major method is clinical practice.The treatment principle and method can be enriched and the theory can be proved by clinical practice.2.The essence of Zheng and treatment mechanism can be opened out by experimental reasearch including both clinical and labory experment.3.The thinking and research method can be provided by modern science including philosophy,social science andnature science and transsection science.The deep research of clinical theory in the Cannon of Internal Medicine can promote the progress of TCM.
Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
the Cannon of Internal Medicine
clinical theory
research method
clinincal research
expermental research