

摘要 目的探究分析对结节型细支气管肺泡癌(NBAC)患者应用CT进行检查的临床诊断意义。方法对2008-2012年佛山市顺德区容桂桂洲医院收治的结节型细支气管肺泡癌经CT进行诊断的患者共50例,对其临床资料以回顾性的方法进行分析,归纳总结该类疾病患者的CT影像特征与病理特点。结果 42例患者为周围性、8例患者为中心性、25例患者为磨玻璃征、22例患者呈分叶状改变、16例患者空泡征、25例患者内部可见充气支气管征、32例患者边缘毛刺、9例患者中心坏死。血管集束征以及胸膜凹陷征均有患者25例。结论对NBAC患者应用螺旋CT进行诊断,在影像方面有突出的特征性,与多平面重组进行结合能够有效提高诊断概率,降低误诊漏诊概率。 Objective To explore the fine analysis of nodular type bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (NBAC) application of CT examination in clinical diagnosis. Methods From 2008 to 2012 in our hospital were fine nodule type bronchioloalveolar carcinoma by CT diagnosis in patients with a total of 50 cases, the clinical data were analyzed in a retrospective way, summarizes this kind of disease in patients with CT imaging features and pathological characteristics. Results 42 cases of surrounding sex, 8 patients for centricity, 25 patients for grinding glass, 22 patients showed lobulated cavity change, 16 patients, 25 patients were visible inside air bronchogram, 32 patients with edge burr, 9 cases of patients with central necrosis. Vascular cluster, and 25 patients with pleural indentation sign all have. Conclusion The application of multislice CT diagnosis, patients with NBAC has prominent characteristic in image, with the multi-plane reorganization combination can improve the probability of diagnosis, misdiagnosis and decrease misdiagnosis rate.
出处 《当代医学》 2014年第6期84-85,共2页 Contemporary Medicine
关键词 结节性细支气管肺泡癌 螺旋CT 价值 Nodular fine bronchioloalveolar carcinoma Spiral CT Value
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