
巴戟天对微波辐射致成年雄性大鼠睾丸损伤的作用 被引量:4

Effect of Morinda officinalis how on adult male rats' testicular damage induced by microwave radiation
摘要 目的:探讨巴戟天对微波辐射致大鼠睾丸损伤的作用。方法:成年雄性SD大鼠随机分为空白对照组(不辐射,不给药)、辐射组(辐射,不给药)、阴性对照组(辐射,灌胃等体积双蒸水)、巴戟天水提物组(辐射,灌胃巴戟天水提物)和巴戟天醇提物组(辐射,灌胃巴戟天醇提物)。应用对讲机辐射8h/d,辐射密度为300μW/cm^2,频率409MHz,持续2周。末次辐射后第2天,巴戟天水提物组和巴戟天醇提物组分别给以巴戟天水、醇提物20g·kg^-1·d^-1灌胃治疗,末次灌胃后禁食24h杀鼠取材比较各组问体质量、睾丸指数和附睾指数;左侧睾丸组织和附睾组织常规H-E染色后光镜下观察微细结构,右侧睾丸组织透射电镜观察超微结构。结果:各组间体质量、睾丸指数和附睾指数均无差异;辐射组睾丸和附睾微细结构可见病理改变,两个给药组恢复较好;辐射组睾丸超微结构可见损伤,两个给药组有不同程度修复。结论:巴戟天对微波辐射致成年雄性SD大鼠睾丸损伤有修复作用。 Objective: To explore the effect of Morina officinalis how on adult male rat testicular damage induced by microwave radiation. Methods: Forty adult male SD rats were randomly divided into five groups, a blank control group, a microwave group, a negative control group, an aqueous extract of Morinda officinalis how group and alcohol extract of Morinda officinalis how group. All the groups were exposed to microwave transmitted by intercom for two weeks except the blank control group, 8 h/d, the radiation density was 300 μW/em2 , and the frequency was 409 MHz. The negative control group was given with double steamed water and the two extract groups were given with corresponding extractive of Morinda officinalis how for two weeks, 20 g · kg ^-1 · d^-1 , once a day. One day following the last dose, the body weight, testis and epididymis were weighted, then the organ index was calculated. The morphologic changes of testicular tissue and epididymis tissue were observed with optical microscope and electron microscope. Results: No significant differences on the body mass or on the organ index were found between every two groups. Pathological changes were found in the groups exposed to microwave radiation. The repaired effect of Morinda officinulis how was found in the two extract groups. Conclusion: Morina officinalis how has repaired effect on adult male rat testicular damage induced by microwave radiation.
出处 《解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期22-25,共4页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy
基金 福建省科技计划重点项目 福建医科大学教授基金
关键词 巴戟天 微波辐射 雄性大鼠 睾丸 Morina officinalis how microwave radiation male rat testis
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