对月球水冰的研究关系到月球形成与演化的深入研究,关系到月球资源的利用以及人类能否借月球为踏板迈向宇宙更深处等问题的探索。在回顾了月球水冰探测进展、总结国内外研究现状基础上,依据极化合成孔径雷达的原理、特点以及水冰反射特性,采用小型化多模式双频率双极化合成孔径雷达(miniature radio frequency,Mini-RF)观测数据对月球北极部分撞击坑进行分析,讨论月球上是否存在水冰的问题。通过对Mini-RF的圆极化率数据分析认为,月球北极的部分撞击坑可能存在水冰,但对水冰储量及其存在形式等方面的问题还需要开展进一步的定量研究。
The study of water ice on the moon is related not only to the formation and evolution of the moon but also to the utilization of lunar resources and the problem whether human beings can go into the depth of the universe with the help of the moon. This paper reviewed the progress of lunar water ice exploration and summarized the research status both in China and abroad. The authors analyzed some impact craters in the north moon and discussed whether there exists water ice or not by means of the polarization synthetic aperture Radar, the data of miniature radio frequency( Mini - RF) and the characters of polarization SAR as well as the reflection of water ice. The Mini - RF CPR data analysis reveals that the north -pole of the moon probably contains water ice, but the water quantity and the mode of occurrence require further investigation.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources