

Electrode Force Characteristics of Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminum Alloy
摘要 为了研究电阻点焊过程中电极压力曲线特征信息对熔核形成的影响,利用自制的一套点焊过程数据采集与显示系统,对动态电极压力曲线特征信息进行分析。结果表明,如果电流够大,在电磁力作用下,通电开始时压力曲线会有下凹现象。随着焊接时间的推移压力会有减小的现象。如果压力减小过多,则说明焊点过大,焊接区金属塑性变形较大。如果压力曲线波动过大,则是飞溅产生的标志。如果通电过程中压力值有小幅上升,且压力曲线没有向下倾斜的现象,则预示着焊点可能未熔合或未完全熔合。 In order to study the effect of electrode force on the nugget formation of resistance welding, a new type of resistance spot welding data acquisition and display system was used to analyze the dynamic characteristics of electrode force curve. The results show that if the current is enough big, under the effect of electromagnetic force, the electricity at the beginning of the pressure curve is a concave phenomenon. With the prolong of welding time, there will be less pressure. If the pressure decreases too much, then the solder is too large, the metals plastic deformation of weld zone is bigger. If the pressure curve fluctuates severely, it is a sign of splash. If the pressure value in the process of electricity elevates, and the pressure curve has the no down phenomenon, the herald of solder joint can not fusion or has incomplete fusion.
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期218-220,共3页 Hot Working Technology
关键词 铝合金 点焊 电极压力 飞溅 aluminum alloy spot welding electrode force splash
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