
基于FCM的终端区交通态势识别 被引量:11

Identification of Terminal Area Traffic Situation Based on FCM
摘要 终端区交通态势的日益拥挤,一定程度上造成航班的延误,给航空公司及旅客带来了极大损失。为了对终端区交通拥挤进行有效的识别和疏导,对终端区交通态势进行了研究。通过采集的雷达数据,提取影响终端区交通态势的属性指标,运用模糊C-均值聚类(FCM)方法建立了终端区交通态势识别模型,模型可快速准确地识别交通态势。以某终端区为例,验证了模型的有效性。 Traffic situation of terminal area, which becoming increasingly crowded, to some extent caused flight delays, brought great losses to airlines and passengers. This paper studies the traffic situation of ter- minal area, in order to effectively identifying and diverting. The identification model, which using fuzzy C- means clustering (FCM)method to establish the traffic situation of terminal area over the airport recogni- tion model by collecting radar data and extracting the indicators of traffic situation of terminal area. This model can identify traffic situation quickly and accurately. Take a terminal area as an example and vali- date it.
出处 《航空计算技术》 2014年第1期1-4,8,共5页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
基金 国家自然基金重点项目资助(61039001) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助(3122013SY03)
关键词 终端区 态势 FCM terminal area situation FCM
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