
弹性边界板结构拓扑优化声辐射 被引量:3

Topology Optimization and Sound Radiation Research of Plates with Elastic Boundary
摘要 针对拓扑优化方法在减振降噪领域的应用以及板结构在实际应用中所处的环境,采用拓扑优化方法对不同弹性边界刚度的板结构进行拓扑优化分析,计算了不同边界刚度条件下板结构的声辐射情况。根据弹性边界板结构拓扑优化后的结构形式进行加强筋布置,对比于其他的加强筋布置形式进行板结构声学响应计算,得出了不同弹性边界刚度对于板结构拓扑优化结果的影响规律,以及不同板结构的边界刚度对于板结构声辐射情况的影响。板结构的声辐射响应计算结果验证了拓扑优化在减振降噪方面的应用价值。 In view of the topology optimization method applied in vibration and noise reduction,and the application environment of plate in actual application,topology optimization is applied on the plate with different elastic boundaries.The acoustic radiation of plate is calculated with different elastic boundary.According to the topology optimization results of plate with elastic boundary structure,the stiffeners are arranged,compared with other forms of stiffener layout,and plate acoustic radiation is calculated.The topology optimization results and the acoustic radiation of plates affected by different elastic boundaries are studied,and the influence rules are obtained.From the results of plate acoustic radiation,it can be confirmed that topology optimization has application value in vibration and noise reduction.
出处 《振动.测试与诊断》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期179-184,197,共6页 Journal of Vibration,Measurement & Diagnosis
基金 国家科技部国际科技合作计划资助项目(2011DFR90440)
关键词 拓扑优化 弹性边界 减振降噪 加强筋 topology optimization elastic boundary vibration and noise reduction stiffener
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