采用表面均匀覆盖钯层的0.5mm×3.0mm碳棒为载体,以银氨溶液为前体,110mAg为放射性示踪剂,水合肼为还原剂,在载体棒表面依次进行化学沉积103Pd、Ag、125I,可制备新型103 Pd-125I复合粒子源芯,实现103Pd和125I在同一载体表面的有效沉积,化学沉积银过程是103 Pd-125I复合粒子制备的关键。经优化的沉积条件为:AgNO3浓度2g/L,Na2EDTA浓度40g/L,NH3·H2O浓度16.25%,H4N2·H2O浓度5‰,沉积液pH10,反应时间60min,反应温度35℃。结果表明:化学沉积银层表面均匀,平整,呈银白色。
Electroless l03Pd plating and electroless Ag plating and chemical 125I depositing were took place on the surface of carbon rods in turn, which was a reliable method for the preparation of 103pd-125i hybrid brachytherapy seed cores. 103pd and 125I were deposited on the same substrate effectively through silver coating as a bridge. The process of electroless Ag plating was a novel and important step in the preparation of 103pd-125I hybrid seed. In this work, the process of electroless Ag plating was studied using n0.5 × 3.0 mm carbon rods with palladium coating as substrate, silver-ammino complex as precursor, 110mAg as ra- dioactive tracer, and hydrazine as reductant. The optimum conditions were AgNO3 2g/L, Na2EDTA40 g/L,NH3 · H20 16. 25%,H4N2 · H20 5‰,pH=10,t=60 rain,and T= 35 ℃. Sliver deposited on each carbon rod was uniform, and sliver-coating was white and smooth.
Journal of Isotopes
carbon rod
electroless sliver plating hydrazine-based bath 103pd-125I hybridbrachytherapy seed