
培训迁移:影响因素及其与组织承诺的关系研究 被引量:16

Training Transfer: Influencing Factors and Its Relationship with Organizational Commitment
摘要 培训迁移是人力资源管理领域的新兴课题,它关注员工参加培训后的表现和成效。本研究旨在建立培训迁移系统分析框架,探讨人格特质、培训迁移动机、组织培训迁移气氛、员工培训迁移成效、组织承诺成效之间的关系。实证研究显示,人格特质中内控特质对个人迁移成效各维度以及迁移动机均有显著正向影响。此外,组织迁移气氛中大部分维度对个人迁移成效有直接影响,且人格特质与组织迁移气氛通过迁移动机间接影响个人迁移成效。模型证实了个人迁移成效对提高员工组织承诺具有显著推动力。本研究为探索培训迁移黑箱的输入和输出提供了有效路径,加深对培训迁移及其贡献的认识,为企业管理实践提出了可行建议。 Training transfer is a relatively new topic in the field of human resource research. It focuses on the entire process of transfer ring knowledge into practice which contributes to the further improvement of individual performances and organizational benefit. This pa per explores the interrelationships among antecedents and consequences of training transfer at both employee and organization levels, in cluding personality, motivation of transfer, organizational transfer climate, individual transfer effectiveness, and organizational commit ment. Measuring scales of variables are also developed. Based on questionnaire survey, internal locus of control has positive impact on each factor of individual transfer effectiveness as well as transfer motivation. But external locus of control does not show significantly nega tive influences on individual transfer effectiveness factors and transfer motivation. Secondly, organizational support factor of organizational transfer climate has significantly positive impact on each factor of individual transfer effectiveness. Managerial support is proved to have positive impact on ability and attitude improvement of individual effectiveness ; however its impact on career development does not reach the level of significance. Moreover, transfer motivation has direct influence on individual transfer effectiveness, and both personality and organizational transfer climate have indirect influence on individual effectiveness via transfer motivation. SEM analysis also shows that both the factor of ability and attitude improvement and factor of career development have significantly positive influences on both affective and continuous commitment as well as normative commitment. This paper provides an effective way of exploring the black box of training transfer, and puts forward feasible suggestions for the management oractiee.
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期128-138,共11页 Management Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71301106 71201011) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(13YJC630034) 教育部博士点新教师基金项目(20120005120001) 上海高校青年教师培养资助计划项目
关键词 培训迁移 人格特质 组织迁移气氛 个人迁移成效 组织承诺 training transfer, personality, organizational transfer climate, individual transfer effectiveness, organizational commitment
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