
考虑品牌声誉影响下的在线评论有用性研究 被引量:15

Study on the Helpfulness of Online Reviews by Considering the Influence of Brand Reputation
摘要 从品牌声誉影响的角度,选用京东商城的评价数据为研究样本,对评论有用性影响因素进行实证研究。在考虑品牌声誉的影响下,对于品牌声誉高的商品,正向评价比负向评价更有用;对品牌声誉低的商品,极性评论比中性评论更有用;不论品牌声誉的高低,评论深度对评论有用性均存在正相关关系;与品牌声誉低的商品相比,评论时效性对品牌声誉高的商品的评论有用性影响更显著。 Considering the brand reputation effect, this paper used the data from JD. com to empirically validate the factors which influence the usefulness of online reviews. Those positive reviews related to the goods with high brand reputation are more helpful than negative ones. For the goods with low brand reputation, polarity reviews are more helpful than moderate ones. The depth of online reviews is positively correlated with its usefulness for both brand reputations. Comparing to the goods with low brand reputation, the timeliness of reviews has an effect on the goods with high brand reputation.
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期97-100,共4页 Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71101018) 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地项目(XQ12C06)
关键词 在线评论 搜索型商品 品牌声誉 online reviews search goods brand reputation
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