DNA sequencing technology was used to sequence the chloroplast rbcL gene and nuclear gene ITS of 5 species of 4 genus individuals in papaveraceae. The main purpose was to verify the feasibility and availability of the integrated gene sequence as a method to identify papaveraceae plants in Xinjiang. The analyzed results of ITS-rbcL and sequences of 15 Xinjiang poppy plants revealed that the integrated gene fragment had many polymorphism sites, and the average intraspecific genetic distance was shorter than the average interspeeific genetic distance. In addi tion, based on 4 ranunculus outgroups and 31 poppy plants, a cluster analysis was carried out, and it was revealed that most of the same genus individuals stayed together. So this fragment was feasible to identify the genus taxa of papaveraceae, and it had a certain reference value for classifying and identifying poppy plants. It was also found that the Glaucium squamigerum and Dicranostigma iliensis have a closer kinship than other plants of the same two genera, Roemeria refracta, a key protected plant in Xinjiang, has a close relation with Papaver, and rbcL is too conservative to do as an evolutionary gene marker in papaveraceae.
Arid Zone Research