通过肖河东沟排水倒虹吸基底15%水泥土换填碾压试验,先确定符合碾压试验压实度要求的铺土厚度和碾压遍数,通过单位压实遍数的压实厚度进行比较,其中单位压实遍数的压实厚度最大者为最经济合理,由此确定合理的碾压技术参数。试验结果表明,铺土厚度为30 cm,20 t凸块振动碾行进速度为2.0 km/h,碾压10遍,压实度不小于0.98,干密度达到1.76 g/cm3,确定了肖河东沟排水倒虹吸基底15%水泥土换填最优碾压技术参数。现场碾压无弹簧、无涌土、无光面、无表面龟裂、无剪切破坏现象,经检查,上下层土结合良好,无明显分层现象。
By the compaction test about the replacement of 15% cement - soil on the basement of in- verted siphon in Xiao River East Ditch, we can make sure the thickness and the times of the soil spread which meet the compactness required of the compaction test. Compared the compaction thick- ness every compacted, we can regard the largest thickness once compacted as the most economic and reasonable thickness. Then we can make sure which technical parameters of compaction are more rea- sonable. The result of the compaction test showed that when the compaction thickness is 30 cm, as the adwanced speed of 20 t vibration convex block 2.0 km/h compacted l0 times,the compactness is not less than 0. 98, and the dry density is no less than 1.76 g,/cm3 , we can get the best technical parame- ters of compaction about the replacement of 15% cement - soil on the basement of inverted siphon in Xiao River East Ditch. The compaction are without spring, piping, shiny side, surface cracking and shear failure. Through the inspection, the combination of topsoil and subsoil is nice and without obvi- ous delamination.
Water Conservancy Science and Technology and Economy
cement - soil
compaction test
inverted siphon
dry density