高校法律基础课教学存在许多问题。改进法律基础课教学 ,应以增强大学生社会主义法律意识为目的 ,将法律意识的强化作为教学过程的重点 ;以教材内容为依据 ,也要结合实际作相应的增删或变动 ;要运用多种丰富新颖的教学方式 ,吸引学生参与 ,发挥学生主动性 ;应将考试与学生素质的培养结合起来 ,“知”“行”并重 ,齐抓共管。
Many problems exist in the teaching of the basic law course in institutions of higher learning.Emphasis should be placed on the reinforcement of the students' law awareness.The teaching should be based on the content of the teaching materials with some addition or omissions according to actual situations.It should also attract the students' initiative and active participation by applying various new teaching methods.Examinations should be in accordance with the goal of fostering the students' qualities.Both knowledge and practice should be emphasized.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)