
金山潜龙:流散书写中的华工囚禁叙事 被引量:2

The Hidden Dragon in the Gold Mountain:Captivity Narrative of the Chinese Laborers in Diaspora
摘要 论文从中国历史和文化的视角出发,将天使岛诗歌作为一部华人囚禁叙事重新加以解读。认为天使岛华工诗歌通过特殊的艺术手法和完整鲜明的思想立场构成了一部华人囚禁叙事。它在意识形态上表现出与美国清教徒囚禁叙事三个不同的特点:一是它的种族化民族主义诉求是历史的产物,其目的是构建一个抵抗种族迫害的有效话语武器;二是它强调集体救赎,并且认为个体救赎只有通过集体救赎方可实现;三是它主张凭借集体奋斗和人类自身之力获得拯救,彰显了一种与中国传统文化精神相契合的人文主义解放哲学。 Unified by unique artistic strategies and a coherent perspective, Angel Island poems by Chinese laborers constitute a captivity narrative. It differs from America' s Puritan captivity narrative on three ideological accounts. First, its racial nationalism is historically conditioned and serves to empower a discourse of resistance against racial persecution. Second, its pursuit of collective salvation derives from the belief that individual redemption can only be obtained through collective salvation. Third, by positing that salvation depends on collective and human endeavors, it exhibits a liberation philosophy in line with the humanistic spirit of traditional Chinese culture.
作者 蓝峰
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期42-50,共9页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
关键词 移民研究 移民文化 比较文学 华美文学 囚禁叙事 华工 天使岛 Angel Island poetry Chinese American literature captivity narrative racialnationalism diaspora studies
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  • 1Richard VanDerBeets, The Indian Captivity Narrative : An American Genre,Lanham : University Press of America,1984.
  • 2Benjamin Mark Allen, “The Talons: Captives, Emissaries, and the First Americans”,in Benjamin Mark Allen andDahia Messara, eds., The Captivity Narrative : Enduring Shackles and Emancipating Language of Subjectivity,Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2012, p. 10.
  • 3Richard Slotkin, Regeneration through Violence : The Mythology of the American Frontier 1600 - I860, Middletown,Connecticut : Wesleyan University Press, 1973 , p. 21.
  • 4Paul Lauter et al, ed.,Heath Anthology of American Literature ^ vol. 2,Lexington,Mass: D. C. Heath and Company, 1990, pp. 1757 - 1762;.
  • 5Barack Obama, “Presidential Proclamation - National Angel Island Day”,20 January 2010,the White House, 1March 2010, www. whitehouse. gov/the-press-office/presidential-proclamation-national-angel-island-day.
  • 6Erika Lee and Judy Yung, Angel Island : Immigrant Gateway to America, New York: Oxford University Press, 2010,chapter two, especially pp. 103 - 105.
  • 7Peter Kvidera, “ Resonant Presence : Legal Narratives and Literary Space in the Poetry of Early ChineseImmigrants,,,American Literature y 77.3,2005,pp. 511 - 539.
  • 8A. Vincent Ciardiello, “ ‘Talking Walls, : Presenting a Case for Social Justice Poetry in Literacy Education”,Reading Teacher,63. 6,March 2010,pp. 464 -473.
  • 9Erika Lee, “The 1 Yellow Peril, and Asian Exclusion in the Americas”,Pacific Historical Review, 76. 4 , 2007,pp. 537 - 562.
  • 10Elizabeth Lyman, u The Voices of Angel Island : The Chinese Immigrants Fight for Equality”,InterdisciplinaryHumanities, 24. 2, Fall 2007,pp. 6-17;.












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