
反馈式家庭干预对婴幼儿语言和认知发育的促进作用 被引量:5

Positive effects of feedback family intervention on language and cognitive development in infants and toddlers
摘要 目的探讨反馈式家庭干预对婴幼儿语言和认知发育的影响,以及这种干预方式的可行性和家长的接受度。方法以22名4~30月龄的语言发育正常儿童及其家庭为研究对象。入组后,对儿童进行为期6个月的反馈式家庭干预,干预前后应用"贝利婴幼儿发育量表(Bayley Scales of Infant Development-I,BSID)"评估其语言和认知发育,父母填写反馈问卷。结果通过为期6个月的家庭干预,90%以上的家长认为LENA录音容易实施,不影响其日常生活;在各项干预措施中家长培训对其帮助最大,其次是LENA录音;经过1个月干预,22名儿童的成人-儿童对话轮换数较基线提高9%,前3个月平均增长6%;基线时对话轮换数较低的50%一组,在干预后1个月和前3个月时分别提高34%和26%。22名婴幼儿的智力发育指数(mental development index,MDI)平均提高19.69±16.91,差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论反馈式家庭干预有较好的可行性和家长接受度,并可有效促进正常发育婴幼儿的语言和认知发育。 Objective To investigate the effects of feedback family intervention on language and cognitive development in infants and toddlers and to explore the feasibility and parental acceptance of the intervention. Methods A total of 22 typical families/children(4- 30 months) were targeted in the study. Bayley Scales of Infant Development-I (BSID) was used to assess language and cognitive development of children at baseline and the end of intervention. Results After 6 months intervention,more than 90% of parents found the LENA recordings were easy to be operated and didn't disturb their daily life. Parent trainings were the most effective method within all intervention, I.ENA recordings were less effective than parent training. Adult-child conversational turns (CT) increased 9 % by the first month,then 6 % by the first 3 months of interven- tion. CT was increased 34% by the first month and 260/00 by the first three months in the lower half of the sample. After 6 months in tervention,Bayley mental development index(MDI) increased 19.69± 16.91 (P〈0. 001). Conclusions LENA as an evaluation tool can reflect parent-child interaction objectively. The feedback family intervention has good feasibility and parental acceptance, and can promote child language and cognitive development.
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第3期245-247,共3页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 上海儿童医学中心与美国LENA基金会合作项目(2001) 卫生部行业科研专项项目(2010022006)
关键词 婴幼儿 家庭干预 语言和认知发育 infants and toddlers family intervention language and cognitive development
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