
上海地区学龄前儿童心理卫生状况及相关影响因素的研究 被引量:22

Shanghai preschool children's mental health problems and related risk factors
摘要 目的探讨上海地区学龄前儿童心理卫生健康状况,同时对影响心理卫生健康状况的高危因素进行评估,以全面了解上海地区儿童早期的心理健康状况。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取上海市7个区县23个幼儿园的2 073名学龄前儿童进行调查。本研究采用国际上广泛使用的长处和困难问卷(Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire,SDQ)儿童个人及家庭社会环境问卷,收集儿童心理卫生状况与个人家庭社会环境等信息。结果进入分析的儿童有1 682人(有效应答率为81.1%),平均年龄(5.42±0.92)岁,男童占53.2%。此次调查结果发现:心理卫生状况问题处于临界水平占11%,异常占10%,与其它发达国家水平相类似。但在同伴问题上,上海地区学龄前儿童的临界以及异常的发生率分别为20%和21%,两者总体为41%,大大超过发达国家。多因素分析后发现,亲子关系差及父母亲教育收入水平低等是最终影响学龄前儿童心理健康的因素。结论上海地区学龄前儿童的心理卫生问题发生率,与发达国家相类似,唯独同伴关系问题发生率相对较高,而亲子关系等家庭环境因素是影响学龄前儿童心理问题发生的重要因素。 Objective To examine the general situation of the common mental health problems in preschool children of Shanghai and to study the risk factors related to preschool children's mental health problems. Methods The Chinese ver- sion of the parent-reported Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ) was administered to the parents of a representative sample of 2 O73 children aged 4-6 years old. The response rate was 81.1%. Three scoring methods were performed and ex amined their association with socio-demographic data. Results A total of 21. 1% of preschoolers were classified as "bor- derline or abnormal" in the total difficulties score. Analyses of variance showed significant effects for SES, children's relation- ship with parents, and parent's relationship marital. The mean peer problem scores of this sample were clearly differed from the data of western countries. The proportion of "borderline or abnormal" in peer relationship problems was 40.5 % ,which was much higher than the results of other countries. Conclusions The present study showed that prevalence rates of men- tal problems in Shanghai preschool children are mostly in line with other published findings of the developed countries except the rate of "borderline or abnormal" in the peer problem is much higher.. And the parent-child relationship is one of the most important factors related to children's mental health problems.
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第3期248-251,共4页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 国家自然科学基金(81172685) 卫生部行业科研专项(201002006) 上海市科委项目及启明星追踪(12411950405 13QH1401800) 曙光计划(11SG19) 公共卫生重点学科 学生健康促进工程重大决策咨询课题(HJTY-2010-A09)
关键词 长处和困难问卷 学龄前儿童 心理卫生 亲子关系 Strength and Difficuty Questionnaire preschool children mental health parent-child relationship
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