
自然科学家的创作多峰现象及创新能力 被引量:5

Creation Multiple-Peak Phenomenon and Innovation Ability for a Nature Scientist
摘要 探讨了李政道科学家及其合作网,研究发现:他发表的科学论文数目随年份出现创作多峰现象,从一般科学家合作网又验证了这个现象,这个发现对于自然科学家具有普遍性。李政道论文与引文联合科学家合作网,不仅同样具有一般科学家合作网的拓扑特性,即小世界效应和3个幂律(点度、点强和边权)分布特性,并且更重要的是具有创作多峰现象。为了解释科学家的创作多峰现象,提出了一个描述科学家及其团队的创新能力的理论模型,分别考虑了科学家及其合作者对于科学论文的贡献及其学术影响,创新能力的理论计算结果与李政道等科学家合作网的实证研究一致。 This paper researches scientist TD Lee and his cooperation network. It is found that not only has the common topological properties both of scale-free and small-world for a general scientist cooperation networks, but also appears the creation multiple-peaks phenomenon for number of published paper with year evolution, as well as demonstrates this phenomenon from other scientists, which become a TD Lee significant mark distinguished from other scientists each other. To demonstrate and explain this new finding, we propose a theoretical model for a nature scientist and his/her team innovation ability, which mainly includes two parts of the contribu- tion, one is the first author contribution in his/her papers and the second is the first author con- tribution in the other cooperation papers, as well as consider their science citations and influence factor of the journal published papers in the cooperation network formed by all his published pa- pers. The theoretical results are consistent with the empirical studies very well. This research demonstrates that the theoretical model has a certain universality and can be extended to estimate innovation ability for any nature scientist and his/her team.
出处 《复杂系统与复杂性科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期12-22,共11页 Complex Systems and Complexity Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(60874087 61174151)
关键词 创作多峰现象 自然科学家的创新能力模型 李政道科学家合作网 小世界效应 无标度特性 方锦清合作团队 SMALL world effect multiple peak phenomenon model ofentist cooperation network small world effect,teamnature scientist innovationscale-free property~ Fangability^jin-qingTD Lee scicooperation
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