

Emulsion Copolymerization and Characterization of P(MMA-MA)/OMMT Nanocomposites
摘要 在氧化-还原引发体系下进行原位乳液插层共聚合,制备了聚(甲基丙烯酸甲酯-丙烯酸甲酯)/有机蒙脱土[P(MMA-MA)/OMMT]纳米复合材料。通过分析制得乳液的稳定性及乳胶粒粒径,确定了最佳聚合工艺,包括最佳乳化剂浓度、引发剂浓度、反应温度等。结果表明:当乳化剂浓度为7%、引发剂浓度为0.3%和反应温度在60℃时,乳液中乳胶粒的粒径尺寸较小,且乳液稳定性很好。 P( MMA-MA)/OMMT nanocomposites were prepared by in situ emulsion co-polmerization ini- tiated by oxidation reduction initiating system. The optimum parameters were determined by analyzing the latex size and stability of resultant emulsion, including optimum emulsifier concentration, initiator concentration and reaction temperature. The results showed that when the emulsifier concentration is 7%, the initiator concentra- tion is 0.3% and the reaction temperature is 60 ℃, the resultant latex is smaller and the emulsion has good stability.
作者 陈孟君 陈旻
出处 《塑料助剂》 2014年第1期22-26,共5页 Plastics Additives
关键词 甲基丙烯酸甲酯-丙烯酸甲酯共聚物 蒙脱土 乳液聚合 纳米复合材料 poly ( methyl methacrylate/ methylacrylate) montmorillonite emulsion polymerization nano-composite
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