邓小平科技理论的形成和发展有着坚实的哲学基础 ,它是坚持马克思主义科学世界观和方法论的结果。这主要体现在三个方面 ,一是邓小平科技理论的理论基点是唯物史观的生产力标准论 ;二是邓小平科技理论是正确遵循和运用唯物辩证法思想的产物 ;三是邓小平科技理论既源于实践 ,又在实践中发展 。
Formation and development of Deng's scientific and technological theories have a solid philosophical basis owing to their production based upon scientific outlook and methodology of Marxism. They have three aspects: first, the basic point of Deng's theory relies upon productive power standardization of historical materialism; second, Deng's theory is the outcome of correctly applying and complying with the ideas of materialist dialectics; and third, Deng's theory originated and developed in practice. It is a product of persisting in epistemology of dialectical materialism.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition