与前代相比 ,魏晋南北朝时期的商业虽呈发展趋势 ,但南北发展道路不同 ,南方呈稳定上升之势 ,北方则出现发展的断续性和不平衡性。这一时期的商人队伍开始复杂化 ,商品化农业中的种植业成为主要商品来源 ,长途贩运日益成为商品的主要流通方式 ,随之商业性城市大量涌现 ,城乡联系加强 。
The commerce of Wei Jin Dynasties、South and North Dynasties still kept development,but there were differences between the South and the North.The South appeared stable ascended tendency,while the North appeared intermittent and inbalanced.In the period,the constitution of the merchants became complicaed and commercial plantation of agriculture became the main source of commodity,and long distance transporting goods for sale became the main way of circulation of commodities.Thus many commercial towns sprung up,and the connection between town and countryside was enhanced,and the commercial network between town and countryside began to sprout.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition