Objective To discuss the relationship of late CBS and liquefied after-cataract, and to assess the effect of surgery treatment. Methods A retrospective study. Clinical manifestation, vision, dioptric situation were observed before and after surgery on 5 patients who had experienced phaco- emulsification and IOL implantation 5-11 years before, the clinical effect of surgery treatment was as- sessed. Results There were 4 patients received operation. Continuous curvilinear anterior capsular hole was expanded, the milky substance was aspirated, and the capsule was polished. The visual acu- ity increased to 0.8-1.0, anterior chamber deepened, IOL relocated, the posterior capsule was clear, adjacent to the IOL. Follow-up time was 3-6 months, the vision was remained stable. One patient had not treated because the impacted light of vision, no obvious changes after 3 months observation. Conclusions Late CBS is one of complication of smaller continuous curvilinear anterior capsu- lorhexis in the process of phacoemulsification, clinical manifestation as liquid after-cataract in early stage. The operation of enlarge the anterior capsular hole is safe, reliable, and can instantly resolve the CBS and induce myopic shift, prevent the possible of recurrence, aspirate the milky substance and keep the posterior capsule intact effective prevent eye complication, vitreous opacity, ocular fundus pathology and so on.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology