
Development of a functional cell-based HTS assay for identification of NKCC1-negative modulators

Development of a functional cell-based HTS assay for identification of NKCC1-negative modulators
摘要 Na–K–Cl cotransporter 1(NKCC1) cotransports Na+, K+, and Cl-ions across the plasma membrane into cells. Accumulation of Cl-ions in dorsal root ganglion neurons induces depolarizing GABAA receptors, which mediate presynaptic inhibition and filtration of sensory noise. The activity of the Na–K–Cl cotransporter is modulated by high-dose loop diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide. To identify NKCC1 modulators, we developed a functional cell-based assay feasible for highthroughput screening(HTS), in which the activity of NKCC1 was detected by a BTC-AM dye-based thallium transportation assay. We demonstrated that the influx of Tl?was mediated by NKCC1, which required the existence of Cl-ions and could be inhibited by bumetanide and furosemide. Our results demonstrated that the assay was stable, reproducible, and suitable for HTS of negative modulators for NKCC1. Na-K-C1 cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) cotran- sports Na+, K+, and C1- ions across the plasma membrane into cells. Accumulation of C1 ions in dorsal root ganglion neurons induces depolarizing GABAA receptors, which mediate presynaptic inhibition and filtration of sensory noise. The activity of the Na-K-C1 cotransporter is mod- ulated by high-dose loop diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide. To identify NKCC1 modulators, we devel- oped a functional cell-based assay feasible for high- throughput screening (HTS), in which the activity of NKCC1 was detected by a BTC-AM dye-based thallium transportation assay. We demonstrated that the influx of T1+ was mediated by NKCC1, which required the exis- tence of C1- ions and could be inhibited by bumetanide and furosemide. Our results demonstrated that the assay was stable, reproducible, and suitable for HTS of negative modulators for NKCC 1.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期630-638,共9页
基金 supported by ‘‘Significant new drugs creation’’ science and technology major special ‘‘Twelfth Five’’plan Key Technology Research of GPCR targeting Drug Screening and Mechanism of Action Studies Project(2012ZX09301003-003)
关键词 细胞膜 测定法 HTS 调节剂 识别 背根神经节神经元 GABAA受体 转运蛋白 NKCC1 · Cell-based ·Thallium influxassay · Negative modulators - HTS
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