目的对2011年深圳市各哨点医院送检的疑似重症手足口病病例样本进行实验室分析,从而为本地区手足口病的综合防制提供参考资料。方法收集2011年深圳地区各医院送检的196例疑似手足口病重症病例的粪便样本,应用Real time RT-PCR技术检测肠道病毒71型(EV71)、柯萨奇病毒A组16型(CAl6)、肠道病毒通用型(EV)。结果196例疑似手足口病重症病例中,EV71型病毒占69.9%,CA16型病毒占3.57%,非EV71非CA16肠道病毒占11.22%;5月-6月为高发月份,1岁组重症病例最多,重症病例人群男性多于女性(1.40∶1)。结论 EV71型是深圳地区手足口病重症病例的主要致病病毒类型,其流行具有明显的年龄、季节界限。
Objective To investigate the etiological characteristics of suspected severe hand foot and mouth disease(HFMD) in Shenzhen during 2011, so as to provide evidence for the prevention and control of this disease. Methods One hundred and ninety - six fecal specimens were collected from patients who were suspected of severe HFMD during 2011. Real time RT - PCR was employed to detect general enterovirus, EV71 and CoxA16 in these specimens. Results In the 196 suspected severe HFMS cases, EV71 accounted for 69.9% , CoxA16 accounted for 3.57% , and other enterovirus accounted for 11.22%. The high - indieenec months were May and June. Most severe eases were found in 1 - year - old group, and boys were more than girls( 1.40 : 1 ). Conclusion EV71 was the major pathogen of severe HFMD in Shenzhen, showing obvious age and season characteristics.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology