
构建中美新型大国关系的条件探索 被引量:36

Exploring and Taking Advantage of Favorable Conditions to Establish a New Model of Major-Country Relations between China and the United States
摘要 中美关系的发展是一个动态的演变过程。中美双方的政治定位进行了多次调整,中美新型大国关系是目前最新的一次定位,旨在对历史上大国冲突的问题做出正面回答,避免两国跌入"修昔底德陷阱"。随着中国实力的上升,中美关系出现了两国在地区领导权、中国军事现代化、航天与电子及网络领域、产业升级、海洋战略、政治多元、发展模式以及战略互信等八个方面进行竞争的新问题,但中美在构建新型大国关系方面却存在诸多可资利用的有利条件。在主体性条件上,中美既是超大型国家,也是文明型国家,这使得中美两国在性质上不同于历史上出现的新兴大国与现存大国行为体之间的关系;在客观性条件上,其历史性、技术性和时代性条件将起到维持中美关系稳定的作用;在中美双边特性的条件上,中美之间的紧密关系具有了共同演进的基础。作者认为,如果中美两国充分利用这些有利条件且路径选择得当,成功构建两国间的新型大国关系是可能的。 The history of Sino-US relations is a dynamic evolution process.The political orientation of Sino-US relations has experienced five adjustments.Now,both countries are pursuing the latest goal of establishing a new model of major-country relations between them.Its purpose is to give a positive answer and deny the law that the powers in history inevitably clashed with each other,and to avoid falling into Thucydides' s trap.Along with China's peaceful rise,some old issues(such as the Taiwan Question,the Tibet issue and trade issues) between China and America still exist;furthermore,there have arisen eight new issues at this stage:regional leadership,China's military modernization,industrial upgrading,the outer space,electronic and network grid,ocean strategy,political pluralism,Chinese or American model and strategic mutual trust.However,there are many favorable conditions to establish the new model of relations between China and the United States.On the subjective conditions,China and U.S.are both large-scale and civilized countries,whose relations are completely different from the relations between the rising power and the corresponding conservative power in history.On the objective conditions such as their historical,time and technical conditions will play important roles in maintaining stable relations between China and the U.S..On the characteristics of Sino-U.S.bilateral conditions,they share a common basis for the evolution of Sino-US relations.The author holds that if the two countries take full advantage of these conditions and choose the right path,it is possible to successfully establish the new model of relations between the two countries.
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期50-68,156-157,共19页 World Economics and Politics
基金 金灿荣主持的教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“大国关系对中国国家安全的影响”(项目编号:05JZD00039)的阶段性成果
关键词 新型大国关系 修昔底德陷阱 中美关系 竞争性议题 中国外交 new model of major-country relations Thucydides' s trap Sino-US relations new issues China's foreign policy
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