
国际正义与武装组织的治理困境——以国际刑事法院与上帝抵抗军为例 被引量:2

Governance Dilemma between International Justice and Armed Groups:The Case of ICC and LRA
摘要 冷战结束后,一些国家的国内武装冲突不断涌现,在一国武装部队与非国家行为体之间爆发的"新战争"中,武装组织的暴行引起了国际社会的关注。针对乌干达的国内冲突和上帝抵抗军的暴行,国际刑事法院以战争罪、反人类罪为由,指控科尼等五名上帝抵抗军领导人。但国际刑事法院的介入还面临着诸多困境:正义理念与逻辑的冲突、政治观与法律观的矛盾、外界对其干预条件与法律效力的质疑。这些都凸显了西方与非洲地方之间不同治理价值观与规范的冲突、国际刑事法院的偏见与双重标准、缺乏对和平进程与儿童保护的重视等因素。鉴于当地人对和解与安全的渴望远远高于对正义与惩罚的追求,解决乌干达北部地区冲突和上帝抵抗军问题,仅依靠国际法的惩罚与威慑是不够的,必须综合考虑各种因素,平衡各方利益。这包括重视当地的司法方式和冲突解决实践,重视武装冲突解决的参与进程,大力支持和促进乌干达北部地区的经济建设与发展,加强对非洲地区的和平建设。 In the new wars,atrocities of armed groups have aroused serious concerns in international community.Kony and other four commanders were accused of war crime and crime against humanity by International Criminal Court(ICC).However,ICC's intervention was faced with some governance dilemmas including conflicts between different justices,the contradiction between politics and law,and public doubt about its interventional conditions and legal effectiveness.These dilemmas reflect the conflict of governance values and norms between the West and local society of Africa,ICC's bias and double standards,as well as lack of serious concerns of peace process and protection of children.Given that local people desire more for reconciliation and security than justice and punishment,it's impossible to solve Northern Uganda's conflict and Lord's Resistance Army(LRA) only through the punishment and deterrence of international law,and we have to take all factors and parties' interests into consideration.So,we should take more emphases on the practice of local traditional justices and conflict resolutions,the process to resolve armed conflicts,support and promotion of the economic development in Northern Uganda,and peace-making in Africa.
作者 颜琳
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期69-86,157-158,共18页 World Economics and Politics
基金 湖南师范大学公共管理学院青年教师科研基金项目 外交学院卢静教授主持的2012年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(项目编号:12YJAGJW008)的阶段性成果
关键词 武装组织 国际刑事法院 上帝抵抗军 全球治理 冲突解决 armed groups International Criminal Court LRA global governance conflict resolving
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