以氢氧化钙悬浮液吸收二氧化碳气体为例 ,对固体粒子参与化学反应的气液固三相反应过程进行了研究 .提出气液固三相反应动力学模型 .为验证模型的正确性 ,对上述反应过程的速率进行了实验测定 。
Taking the example of aqueous slurries of calcium hydroxide absorpting carbon dioxide,we study the reaction of gas-liquid-solid three phases with the solid participating chemical reaction and give a model of it In order to verify the model we proposed,we made the experiment of absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous slurries of carbon dioxide into aqueous slurries of calcium hydroxide Through experiment,we found that the observed results of absorpotion of carbon dioxide into aqueous slurries of calcium hydroxide were accordant with the results predicted by proposed model
Journal of Hebei University of Technology